Sunday 16 October 2011

A flawed plan

Yesterday morning my Sophie was abit cheeky and thought she would have a lie, ha! not on my watch. I promptly reminded her by a scratch at her door at 6.30am that she needs to get up and open the back door for me. There was a slight flaw in my plan though, one which I was not expecting...
I came home about 9am and went to sleep for a couple of hours whilst my Sophie got ready to go to her spinning group. What I was not expecting was at 11.45am my Sophie came and scooped me up and put me outside, then went to see her friends, the cheeky thing!
My Sophie took her little joy spinning wheel and some gorgeous fawn alpaca which she brought at fibre fest this year. When she came back she told me about her afternoon filled with cups of tea, lots of conversation and most shockingly a dog sitting on her lap!
She's getting on ok with the alpaca but I think she'll go back to sheep fibre when she's done enough for her project. I've had a look in her stash and there's some lovely green and yellow merino which I think will be perfect for a lacey scarf.

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